2023 PAPS Breeders List
This on-line breeders list is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event shall the Papillon Association of Puget Sound be held liable for any incidental or consequential damages, loss, or any indirect damages, even if the Papillon Association of Puget Sound has been informed of the possibility thereof.
Breeders will often have adult dogs they are willing to place into
wonderful homes. The benefit to having an adult is that they are normally
housebroken, and will not chew on inappropriate items. They will adapt
to a new home, bond with a new owner and will thrive being the center of
your attention. Please contact any of the breeders listed below if you
are interested in adding an adult Papillon to your home.
Also note that the breeders listed below may not always have Papillons available (adults or puppies).
Papillon litters tend to be small, and many breeders use waiting lists. To be sure that you get a response
from your inquiry please do not mass mail all the breeders at the same time. We get many
inquiries so don’t make it just “I want a female, how much?” Make yourself more noticeable
and tell a little bit about yourself, family, other pets, etc. We really appreciate you taking the extra time!
Mary Brockman
(Belle Vie) brockmanmary@yahoo.com
Jamie Foti
360-319-6992 Bellingham WA
(Kokomo Papillons) westcoastmarine@comcast.net
Jeanne Hilterbrant
(Brant) jnjbrant@gmail.com
Janis McLaren
(LaRen) larenpap@comcast.net
Karen Murad
253-230-2622 kmurad@centurylink.net
(Krystal) www.krystalpapillons.com
Carol Nemchick
(Kingsgate) jcnemchick@yahoo.com
Danni Peterson
(Remani) www.remanipapillons.com
Nancy Radich
(Rocking N) rockingn@olypen.com
Heather Reeves
Whitney Roberts
360-621-5371 Poulsbo WA davincipapillons@gmail.com
(DaVinci) http://davincipapillons.com
Debbie Tedrow
(Delyteful) www.delytefulpapillons.com
Nancy Verhoog
(Canada) 250-709-1910 flinters94@gmail.com
(Flinters) www.flinterspapillons.ca